Organizations in Child Care

Name Industry Address
kinside_logo Kinside
Kinside is a child care marketplace powered by employers.
Child Care, Information Services, Information Technology Claremont, California, United States
pomelo-care_logo Pomelo Care
Pomelo Care develops an online pregnancy care platform to provide virtual maternity and neonatal care services.
Child Care, Health Care, Hospital, Mobile Apps New York, New York, United States
wonderschool_logo Wonderschool
Wonderschool offers a platform where people can start infant and toddler education programs and preschools out of their homes.
Child Care, EdTech, Education, Parenting, Primary Education San Francisco, California, United States
care-com_logo is an online web portal for finding suitable caregiver services for child care, senior care, housekeeping, pet care, and more. NYSE:CRCM
Child Care, Elder Care, Tutoring Waltham, Massachusetts, United States
emilio-health_logo Brightline
Brightline is a med-tech company that provides behavioral healthcare services for children and their families.
Child Care, Family, Health Care, Home Health Care Palo Alto, California, United States
lovevery_logo Lovevery
Lovevery is an early learning platform that offers a stage-based system of information for parents and products for children.
Baby, Child Care, Parenting Boise, Idaho, United States
exploramed-nc7_logo Willow
Willow is a female technology company that develops an in-bra wearable breast pump.
Child Care, Health Care, Medical Device, Wearables, Wellness, Women's Mountain View, California, United States
healofy_logo Healofy
Healofy is an Indian parenting social network that provides pregnancy and childcare products.
Child Care, E-Commerce, Internet, Parenting, Social Network Bangalore, Karnataka, India
winnie_logo Winnie
Winnie is a marketplace for child care built on powerful data systems and backed by a trusted community of parents and providers.
Apps, Child Care, Children, Education, Marketplace, Mobile Apps, Parenting San Francisco, California, United States
himama_logo HiMama
HiMama is a SaaS that provides child care programs and parents to record and share children's activities.
Child Care, Children, EdTech, Education, SaaS, Software Toronto, Ontario, Canada
hopskipdrive_logo HopSkipDrive
HopSkipDrive is a vehicle for hire company focused on shuttling kids to school.
Child Care, Children, Information Technology, Ride Sharing, Transportation Los Angeles, California, United States
weecare_logo WeeCare
WeeCare’s tech-powered marketplace provides families affordable, quality childcare while supporting providers in operating businesses.
Child Care, EdTech, Education, Primary Education Los Angeles, California, United States
bethany-children-s-health-center_logo Bethany Children's Health Center
Bethany Children's Health Center provides rehabilitation, complex care, transitional care, outpatient and community health services.
Child Care, Health Care, Hospital, Non Profit, Rehabilitation Bethany, Oklahoma, United States
vitara-biomedical_logo Vitara Biomedical
Vitara Biomedical develops a therapeutic platform to support premature infants.
Child Care, Health Care, Health Diagnostics, Medical Device Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
upwardscom_logo Upwards
Tech-driven care solutions company with a mission to make care accessible to all families and empower the caregivers who provide it.
Child Care, EdTech, Education, Employee Benefits, Primary Education Los Angeles, California, United States
kinsa-inc_logo Kinsa
Kinsa is a health technology company that primarily offers a thermometer application.
Apps, Child Care, Hardware, Health Care, mHealth, Software San Francisco, California, United States
myxplor_logo Xplor
Xplor is a leading Australian software (SaaS) platform for managing child care administration and communication.
Child Care, Education, Health Care, Information Technology, Parenting, SaaS, Software Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
kide-science_logo Kide Science
The most engaging model with a platform to give teachers the confidence to teach inquiry-based lessons with play and stories to children.
Child Care, E-Learning, EdTech, Education, Edutainment, STEM Education Helsinki, Southern Finland, Finland
kangarootime_logo Kangarootime
Kangarootime is a software platform for connecting families to childcare providers.
Child Care, EdTech, Software Buffalo, New York, United States
babycare-shanghai_logo Babycare
Babycare is an e-commerce platform providing products for new parents and children.
Child Care, E-Commerce, Product Design Shanghai, Shanghai, China
cloudnine-hospitals_logo Cloudnine Hospitals
Cloudnine is an Indian chain of women and child care hospitals.
Child Care, Health Care, Hospital, Medical, Women's Bangalore, Karnataka, India
tiney_logo Tiney
Tiney is a childcare startup providing home nurseries with early years education.
Child Care, Children, Education London, England, United Kingdom
mamava_logo Mamava
Mamava delivers design solutions for nursing mother on the go, making the friendlier place for women to pump or breastfeed.
Child Care, Parenting, Service Industry Burlington, Vermont, United States
cradlewise-inc_logo Cradlewise Inc.
Cradlewise offers a smart cradle with responsive rocking and integrated contactless baby monitoring.
Artificial Intelligence, Baby, Child Care, Consumer Electronics, Consumer Goods, Hardware, Health Care, Internet of Things, Parenting San Francisco, California, United States
koru-kids_logo Koru Kids
Koru Kids is a building better childcare services, starting with nanny sharing in London.
Child Care, Health Care, Information Technology London, England, United Kingdom
urbansitter_logo UrbanSitter
UrbanSitter is an online hub connecting families with babysitters through social networks.
Child Care, Internet San Francisco, California, United States
neighborschools_logo NeighborSchools
Better child care, for everybody
Child Care, Children Boston, Massachusetts, United States
legion-health_logo Legion Health
Legion Health connects high-quality mental health professionals to the organizations that need them.
Child Care, Elder Care, Health Care, Home Health Care, Hospital, mHealth, Nursing and Residential Care, Personal Health, Psychology, Wellness Austin, Texas, United States
sittercity_logo Sittercity
Sittercity's mission is to make child care finally work.
Child Care, Consumer, Internet Chicago, Illinois, United States
mycity4kids_logo Momspresso
Momspresso provides parenting videos and blogs from mommy bloggers and experts.
Child Care, Children, Home Improvement Gurgaon, Haryana, India
be-my-eyes_logo Be My Eyes
Be My Eyes is an application that connects blind and low-vision people with sighted volunteers and companies.
Apps, Child Care, Communities, Enterprise Software, Eyewear, Health Care, Mobile, Mobile Apps, Software, Video Streaming San Francisco, California, United States
myvyllage_logo MyVillage
MyVillage is building a childcare system that works with a community of high-quality in-home childcare programs.
Child Care, Education, Health Care Bozeman, Montana, United States
careguide_logo CareGuide
CareGuide connects families with care providers at,,,, and
Child Care, Elder Care Toronto, Ontario, Canada
the-village-network-6463_logo The Village Network
The Village Network is the SaaS enabled marketplace for individual who wants to set up, license, and operate a childcare business.
Child Care, Children, Education, Marketplace, SaaS Warsaw, Mazowieckie, Poland
babiew_logo Babiew
Babiew is Japan's first ranking and review site focused in baby products.
Child Care, Children Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
kindertales_logo Kindertales
Kindertales provides childcare management software for your preschool or childcare center.
Child Care, Education, Payments, Primary Education, SaaS, Software Mclean, Virginia, United States
drylock-technologies_logo Drylock Technologies
Drylock Technologies primarily engages in manufacturing hygiene products.
Child Care, Consumer Goods, Manufacturing, Personal Health Zele, Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium
windeln-de_logo is an online shopping site based in Germany specializing in baby products. ETR:WDL
Child Care, E-Commerce, Shopping München, Bayern, Germany
kidfresh_logo Kidfresh
Kidfresh creates all-natural kids’ meals.
Child Care, Food and Beverage, Food Processing New York, New York, United States
safetonet_logo SafeToNet
SafeToNet makes the digital world safer for children to explore and enjoy.
Apps, Artificial Intelligence, Child Care, Cyber Security, Information Technology, Mobile Apps London, England, United Kingdom
pay-theory_logo Pay Theory
Payments platform tailored for Family Tech SaaS vendors to education, healthcare, childcare and children's enrichment providers.
Child Care, EdTech, Education, Finance, Financial Services, FinTech, SaaS, Underserved Children Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
motherhood-india_logo Motherhood India
Motherhood India is a healthcare startup.
Child Care, Delivery, Health Care, Hospital, Wellness, Women's Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
brella-916e_logo Brella
Brella is a child care center that provides flexible scheduling and quality care.
Child Care, Children, Education, Health Care Los Angeles, California, United States
the-childrens-hospital-of-philadelphia_logo The Children's Hospital Of Philadelphia
Since its start in 1855 as the nation's first hospital devoted exclusively to caring for children, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Child Care, Health Care, Hospital, Non Profit Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
smartcare_logo SmartCare
SmartCare is a SaaS platform that helps childcare centers modernize their relationships with parents and business operations.
Child Care, Health Care, Real Time, SaaS, Software Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
unifa_logo UniFa
UniFa is the developer of LookMee, an AI and IoT-powered healthcare solution for tracking kindergarteners' physical and mental growth.
Child Care, Health Care, Medical Nagoya, Aichi, Japan
offor-health_logo OFFOR Health
OFFOR Health accelerate surgery backlogs through its on-site care delivery network and demand-matching technology.
Child Care, Dental, Electronic Health Record (EHR), Health Care, Home Health Care Columbus, Ohio, United States
g8-education_logo G8 Education
G8 Education Limited operates owns and manages childcare centers in Australia and Singapore. ASX:GEM
Child Care, Education, Service Industry Boondall, Queensland, Australia
bridgecare-finance_logo BridgeCare
BridgeCare is a white-label child care data and community management platform.
Child Care, Children, Education, Employee Benefits, Human Resources San Jose, California, United States
bambino-technologies-inc_logo Bambino
Bambino is a babysitting app.
Apps, Child Care, Mobile, Parenting, Social Network Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States
littlebird-connected-care_logo Littlebird Connected Care
Helping you stay connected with your child — even when you're apart!
Child Care, Hardware, Personal Health, Software, Wearables, Wellness N/A
filo_logo Filo
Filo creates products and technologies helping people to stay always close to what they love most.
Baby, Child Care, Consumer Electronics, Electronics, Internet of Things, Software Roma, Lazio, Italy
kids-planet_logo Kids Planet
Kids Planet is a children’s nurseries group
Child Care, Education, Service Industry Lymm, Cheshire East, United Kingdom
nanit_logo Nanit
Nanit is a startup developing smart baby monitors and sleep tracker devices.
Baby, Child Care, Health Care, Information Technology, Machine Learning New York, New York, United States
tentang-anak_logo Tentang Anak
Tentang Anak is Indonesia's fastest growing parenting tech company, providing a one stop solution child development ecosystem
Child Care, Education, Health Care, Parenting Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta Raya, Indonesia
nanobebe_logo Nanobebe
nanobebe is the first baby bottle designed to preserve the nutrients of breastmilk, without compromising convenience and style.
Child Care, Consumer Goods, E-Commerce, Nutrition, Retail Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel
carilion-clinic_logo Carilion Clinic
Carilion Clinic is a health care organization based in Virginia with more than 650 physicians in 70 specialties.
Child Care, Education, Health Care, Medical, Wellness Roanoke, Virginia, United States
legup-aa23_logo LegUp
LegUp is building the universal waitlist, enrollment, and payment platform for the child care industry.
Child Care, Internet Seattle, Washington, United States
soymomo_logo SoyMomo
Developing safe technology for kids
Child Care, Consumer Electronics, Internet of Things, Wearables Miami, Florida, United States
ondecare_logo OndeCare
OndeCare is the premium in-home care marketplace for all ages & schedules; and the employee benefit SaaS solution with full ROI visibility.
Child Care, E-Commerce, Elder Care, Health Care, SaaS, Service Industry Cleveland, Ohio, United States
kixcare_logo KixCare
KixCare is a Canadian pediatric virtual healthcare platform.
Child Care, Health Care Toronto, Ontario, Canada
ludocare_logo Ludocare
Ludocare is to create ways to provide assistance to patients and their families to improve their abilities, autonomy, and quality of life.
Child Care, Health Care, Therapeutics Lyon, Rhone-Alpes, France
bümo_logo Bümo
Bümo provides child care services that intend to make life easier for busy parents around the world.
B2C, Child Care Pasadena, California, United States
remini_logo Remini
Remini allows parents, family members, and early childhood teachers to safely share, update, and create memories of their children online.
Apps, Child Care, Education, Parenting Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel
giantleap_logo GiantLeap
The world's 1st child development evaluation that can be administered by non-professionals.
Child Care, Information Technology, Software Santa Monica, California, United States
nanno-inc_logo Nanno
Nanno is a childcare application that allows parents to book vetted sitters nationwide.
Apps, Child Care, Children, Marketplace, Mobile, Parenting Denver, Colorado, United States
june-care_logo June Care
The June Care Company connects parents who need a little extra childcare with trusted stay-at-home parents who can care for their kids.
Child Care, Children, Women's N/A
glide-org_logo Glide
GLIDE is to create a radically inclusive, just and loving community mobilized to alleviate suffering.
Child Care, Communities, Non Profit, Social Media San Francisco, California, United States
childrens-national-medical-center_logo Children's National Medical Center
Children's National Medical Center serving the nation’s children.
Association, Child Care, Health Care, Non Profit Washington, District of Columbia, United States
ever-health_logo Ever Health
Specialized in Offering medical services through technology.
Child Care, Health Care, Medical, Nutrition, Psychology Madrid, Madrid, Spain
cozykin_logo CozyKin
CozyKin provided personal care by matching families to share a Montessori-trained nanny with modern tools.
Child Care, E-Commerce, EdTech, Education, Family, Internet, Marketplace Boston, Massachusetts, United States
batelle_logo Batelle
Batelle is a modern childcare company that uses high-tech solutions to support mental, emotional, and physical development.
Child Care, E-Learning, Education New York, New York, United States
upkid-365b_logo Upkid
Upkid is a marketplace of on-demand childcare teachers to better staff daycares and preschools.
Child Care, Children, Marketplace Eagle Mountain, Utah, United States
twistshake_logo Twistshake
Twistshake’s goal is to offer safe, well-designed and user friendly products.
Baby, Child Care, Consumer Goods, E-Commerce, Health Care, Virtual Goods Västerås, Vastmanlands Lan, Sweden
leo-health_logo Leo Health
Leo is a new type of pediatric medical practice taking the best of technology, experience, and design, and combining.
Child Care, Clinical Trials, Health Care New York, New York, United States
pumpspotting_logo Pumpspotting
Pumpspotting is a non-judgmental community and breastfeeding app helping parents feed both family and career.
Child Care, Communities, Mobile Apps Kittery, Maine, United States
keriton_logo Keriton
NICU Feeding Management, Lactation Analytics & Patient Engagement
Analytics, Biotechnology, Child Care, Health Care, Health Diagnostics, Software Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
village-baby_logo Village Baby
Village Baby is an online marketplace that provides childbirth and parenting products and information.
Child Care, Consumer, E-Commerce, Information Technology, Women's Mapo, Seoul-t'ukpyolsi, South Korea
human-life-cord_logo Human Life CORD
Human Life Cord specializes in regenerative medicine.
Child Care, Health Care Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
jumper_logo JUMPER
JUMPER is a provider of maternal and child health management services.
Child Care, Health Care Baoan, Guangdong, China
mumerz_logo Mumerz
Mumerz is a bilingual community & e-commerce platform offering every parent & child their needs starting from pregnancy up to the age of 12.
Baby, Child Care, E-Commerce, Shopping Cairo, Al Qahirah, Egypt
wyndy_logo Wyndy
Wyndy allows parents to find, book, and pay background-checked college babysitters.
Apps, Child Care, Logistics, Software Birmingham, Alabama, United States
vidanyx_logo VIDANYX
VIDANYX, a cloud-based video management solution for child advocacy centers and organizations that help victims of human traffic and abuse.
Advocacy, Child Care, Children, Cloud Computing, Internet, Software Omaha, Nebraska, United States
addresshealth_logo AddressHealth
AddressHealth provides comprehensive pediatric healthcare though clinics & schools.
Child Care, Health Care, Medical Bangalore City, Karnataka, India
bellamy-s-organic_logo Bellamy's Organic
Organic infant formula maker Bellamy’s
Child Care, Human Resources, Organic Food Launceston, Tasmania, Australia
carelulu_logo CareLuLu
CareLuLu is the easiest way for parents to find a daycare or preschool that fits their family's needs.
Child Care, Education Oakland, California, United States
share-our-selves_logo Share Our Selves
Share Our Selves is a health center that provides medical, dental, and pediatric care.
Child Care, Children, Health Care, Medical Costa Mesa, California, United States
harbour-landing-village_logo Harbour Landing Village
Harbour Landing Village is a greenfield senior housing development located in south Regina.
Assisted Living, Child Care, Communities, Retirement Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
make-a-wish-foundation_logo Make-a-Wish Foundation
Non profit organization established to grant wishes to children around the world who are living with life-threatening illnesses.
Association, Child Care, Communities, Health Care, Non Profit Phoenix, Arizona, United States
easy-peasy-2_logo Easy Peasy
EasyPeasy is an app that sends game ideas to parents of young children, to help develop the skills that will prepare children for school.
Apps, Child Care, Education, Gaming, Toys London, England, United Kingdom
maternova_logo Maternova
Maternova is a global marketplace and online community for ideas, technologies, and devices that help save mothers and newborns.
Child Care, Communities, E-Commerce, Health Care, Marketplace, Medical Device Providence, Rhode Island, United States
bowhead-technology_logo Bowhead Technology
Bowhead Technology aims to add value to children wellness through the use of smart technologies and compelling content.
Child Care, Digital Entertainment, Hardware, Software Santa Clara, California, United States
bambino-mio_logo Bambino Mio
Bambino Mio creates long-lasting, stylish and affordable reusable nappies for babies from birth to potty-training.
Baby, Child Care, Consumer Goods Brixworth, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom
cyphercoders_logo Cypher Coders
Cypher inspires children to learn the language of the future through hands-on creative coding camps and courses.
Child Care, Children, Collaboration, Computer, Education, Information Technology, Language Learning London, England, United Kingdom
mission-autism-clinics_logo Mission Autism Clinics
Mission Autism Clinics provides therapy to children with autism in under served areas with effective, evidence-based treatment.
Child Care, Children, Health Care, Underserved Children Sugarloaf, Pennsylvania, United States
mt-washington-pediatric-hospital_logo Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital
Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital provides long-term care for children with complex health problems.
Child Care, Health Care, Hospital, Non Profit Baltimore, Maryland, United States
mooh-tech-desenvolvimento-de-softwares_logo Mooh Tech Desenvolvimento De Softwares
Mooh is a startup that uses technology to reduce social inequalities in the world.
Assistive Technology, Child Care, Electronic Health Record (EHR), Information Technology, Internet, Security, Software São Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
vitalxchange_logo Vitalxchange
Vitalxchange is a parenting platform combining human expertise with proprietary technology to help parents raise their kids with confidence.
Child Care, Health Care, Mobile Apps, Parenting, Personal Health Cleveland, Ohio, United States
treehouse-eyes_logo Treehouse Eyes
Treehouse Eyes is a pediatric specialty eye care practice that specializes in the treatment of myopia in children.
Child Care, Children, Health Care, Outpatient Care Boulder, Colorado, United States
babychakra_logo BabyChakra
BabyChakra is India's largest & most loved platform to discover the right maternity and childcare.
Child Care, Communities, E-Commerce, Information Technology, Internet Mumbai, Maharashtra, India